Aims of this module:

  • To raise awareness of asexuality, aphobia, and the unique challenges those on the ace spectrum may face.
  • To engage with some of the research and information available, and some of the current thinking around asexuality, particularly as it relates to client work.

Objectives - by the end of this module you should be able to:

  • Understand and articulate some key concepts and definitions around asexuality, such as the split attraction model and compulsory sexuality.
  • Understand the position of asexuality being a minority identity within a minority, and the potential implications for asexual clients.
  • Self-reflect on your own internalised attitudes and beliefs around asexuality, particularly as they may affect client work.
  • Understand some of the key issues that may bring asexual clients to therapy, and those which may keep them away from therapy.
  • Empathically appreciate the particular nuances of internalised aphobia asexual clients may experience.
  • Understand and work with consent as it applies to asexual people in relationships.
  • Understand and be able to avoid the possibility of colluding with conversion practices with asexual clients.